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ADA – Doamna Miss Porno – 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK

  • Telefon:: 077xxxxxxx
  • Localitatea: London
  • Country / Statul, Ţara: United Kingdom
  • Listed: December 9, 2020 10:41 am
  • Expires: 349 days, 3 hours
ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 1ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 2ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 3ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 4ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 5ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 6ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 7ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 8ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 9ADA - Doamna Miss Porno - 38 years old, offering Total Sex, just like in the XXX movies | London, UK - Image 10


My name is ADA, I am a single Lady, 39 years old, I like to have sex with different people, I love total sex (oral, vaginal, anal, etc.).

I accept young (from 26yrs up) and mature men (up to 65yrs), couples and single women (I am active / passive Bi). I guarantee the pictures are mine, and they 
are real, see the tattoo on the back.
I offer the following to those interested in Total Sex but also in Quality of services:
- deepthroat oral sex / "face-fuck";
- anal sex, normal sex, accept swingers couples etc;
- satisfying various erotic fantasies: cunnilingus, anilingus, 69 position, sex in any position you like, soft domination- dominatrix role, uro: active 
(only giving). More REAL nude & action pictures of myself check this link: 
Ada - Doamna Miss Porno 38-ani ofer Sex Total ca-n filmele XXX

DISCRETION IS MAXIMUM as well as HYGIENE !!! - I OFFER excellent hygiene and demand the same !!!
Not available at night. I live alone.
After you visit me, you will come back for more, only in porn movies you can see what I can do to you. Kisses !
Program: 12:00 - 22:00
Thank you!

I speak good English! Kisses 4 U!
The pictures are REAL !!! See my tattoo on my back :)

Schedule by sending an email 7 days before your visit to: hot-milf-69@anuntuldirect.ro and I will reply you for confirmation and by text if you want to 
leave a phone number. I offer/ensure seriosity and I demand it both ways.


Ma numesc ADA, sunt o Doamnă singură, 39 ani, imi place să fac sex cu persoane diferite, ador sexul total.

Accept barbati tineri (de la 26 in sus) si maturi (pana in 65), cupluri si femei singure (sunt Bi activă/pasivă). Garantez că pozele sunt ale mele, si sunt reale, vezi tatuajul de pe spate.
Ofer urmatoarele celor interesati de Sex Total dar si de Calitatea serviciilor:
– sex oral adânc (deepthroat) cu finalizare orală

– sex oral ‘face-fuck” (pratic, poti sa ma futi in gat adanc, imi place);
– sex anal adanc, sex normal, accept cupluri swingers etc ;
– satisfacerea diverselor fantezii erotice: cunillingus, anilingus, pozitia 69, sex in orice pozitie-ti place, dominare soft, uro activa.

Mai multe poze NUD & Actiune urmeaza linkul: Ada – Doamna Miss Porno 38-ani ofer Sex Total ca-n filmele XXX

Nu sunt disponbilă noaptea. Locuiesc singură.
Te voi face să mai vii la mine, numai in filmele porno vezi ceea ce pot eu să-ti fac. Pupici !
Program: 12:00 – 22:00

I speak good English ! Kisses 4 U !
Pozele Sunt REALE !!! Vezi Tatuajul meu pe spate 🙂
P.S.: Pozele cu clientul negru sunt cele mai recente, Octombrie 2020.

ROG Programare prin email cu 10 zile inainte de vizita la: hot-milf-69@anuntuldirect.ro – si vei primi confirmare pe email dar si text pe telefon daca vrei sa lasi un numar de contact. Rog si ofer seriozitate si discretie maxima.
Dupa programarea facuta prin email iti voi trimite un mesaj text (SMS) de confirmare.

Listing ID: 4115fd08cc16d673

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